Pro Playbooks

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  • Access to fundamental AI tutorials
  • Access to selected playbooks
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Full Access to Pro Playbooks

  • Ever expanding collection of solution recipes
  • Colab notebooks with maintained & up-to-date code
  • AI Solution architecture with step-by-step instructions
  • Learn how to translate code & architecture into business value
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What are Rabbitmetrics Pro Playbooks?

Pro playbooks are use-case-focused how-to guides with video demos aimed at helping you generate measurable business value with AI Engineering.

Is this an AI course?

Sort of, but use case-focused. More precisely, it is an ever-expanding collection of Analytics & AI solutions for real business problems in Ecommerce, CRM, and Marketing. There are two types of guides on the platform: playbooks and tutorials. Playbooks are action-oriented. The goal of a playbook is to build something, correctly and safely, that has practical value. It guides an action towards a business outcome. On the other hand, the tutorials will focus on skill acquisition.

Why the focus on Ecommerce, CRM & Marketing?

This where you find the low hanging fruits in terms of business value when it comes to AI engineering.

How is this different from the YouTube channel?

Playbooks are primarily published exclusively on this platform, whereas tutorials are sometimes made into YouTube videos. However, there can be overlaps in what is published and where.

Is this suitable for beginners?

Yes. But a basic understanding of Python, SQL and LLM frameworks like LangChain is beneficial.

When/how can I cancel my subscription?

You can cancel and/or resubscribe at any time from you account page.

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